The Business Performance Plattform
Transparency in realtime
The AI-based platform allows you to keep an eye on the key success drivers – from strategic alignment to operational implementation in teams. During implementation, you receive precise status updates on operational activities, enabling you to identify problems early on and take targeted action.

Holistic approach
All corporate activities on a single platform for agile and effective control
- Monitor the progress of implementation in real time with
“predictive controlling” - AI-based information retrieval for fact-based decisions
- Visualization of cross-disciplinary dependencies for optimal resource allocation
Our All-in-One Solution
Business Performance Cockpit
Consistent transparency, from long-term corporate strategy (planning) to the specific steps taken by teams (implementation). -
Audit-proof archiving
Compliance with legal requirements through complete traceability, tamper-proof storage and controlled access to relevant information.

GrowthSquare AI
Optimize the quality of your decisions with quick access to precise information – without hallucinations.
- Mitarbeiter auf allen Ebenen befähigen den Geschäftserfolg voranzutreiben
- Strategische Fehlausrichtungen durch unterschiedliche Sichtweisen (Shared Reality) im Unternehmen frühzeitig erkennen
- Anpassung an Marktveränderungen unmittelbar vornehmen durch automatisierte Analysen externer Marktdaten
Consistent data structuring and formatting
across the entire organization with a clear distinction between outdated and current information -
Advanced contextualization
by enriching the conventional data spectrum (fields of action, goals, measures, results, KPIs) with strategic contextual information (shared reality) for each organizational level -
Clear answers
to all questions asked regarding strategy and the implementation of day-to-day business based on AI-supported aggregation of information

Predictive Controlling
Increase in response speed through success prognoses for ongoing activities

The GrowthSquare platform adds
human factors to performance reporting
to realistically reflect the probability of success of ongoing activities.
What are the advantages of using GrowthSquare & AOA?
data structure
A quick and intuitive planning option
Innovative and integrated platform
Manage performance in an agile and proactive way
Boost implementation power with structured transparency and AI
GrowthSquare optimizes data structuring with Art of Acceleration (AOA) – an innovative approach that relies on intuitive and pragmatic processes. Instead of complex interface integration, AOA ensures consistent data quality, from corporate strategy to operational implementation. High acceptance in all departments creates a unified database for transparent and effective implementation of corporate strategy.